I recently stumbled over an issue. One answer in a comment mentioned "Whataboutism" and I thought to myself "What the hell is that?".
It is claimed even in Wikipedia that the word was used in a Cold War context. I looked some of the claims up and it seems that this term gets more and more en vogue since the article of "Whataboutism" from Edward Lucas 2008 in the "Economist". The problem is that there is no reference of this term neither in the Oxford Englisch Dictionary from 1989 nor is it encountered in Google Ngrams. It simply isn't used until 2008.
The problem I have is that I feel duped. Most articles using now the term are in recent history and almost all reiterate the claim that it was already used in the Cold War. I condensed my findings in this answer.
Carpetsmoker pointed not without merit out that it does not answer the question. How should questions be handled which use (even unknowingly) deceptive usage of words? Should the deceptive use pointed out? Is it important enough to merit an answer or should it always be a comment risking that someone deletes it?
Sorry, I did not find the duplicate if it exists. But pointers to other questions with similar problems are welcome.