Considering the rising interest toward the ongoing presidential elections in the USA, I'd like to clarify using election, voting, and probably president and voting-systems tags. The last two, in my opinion, are not that much abused, however.
Many questions are being unadvisedly tagged with several/all of those, and this makes searching by tag pretty difficult.
We also know that "Tags should help to describe what the question is about, not just what it contains."
Also, this resembles typical problems of tagging questions at StackOverflow: Should jQuery questions always be tagged with “javascript”? (personally, I'm not very convinced by Shog9's answer, but this is the way how the things are).
Is there a plain English description of which tag should be used?
I have my own (naive) understanding of these, but I'm afraid my English wouldn't let me make a good writeup on this topic.
I don't know if this is a separate question or not, but democratic-primary and republican-primary seem to be so much narrow.