Politics Stack Exchange does not exist to promote one person's or one side's political ideas.
This was a comment on TheLeopard's lengthy answer, which was deleted at the time I read it. I agree with Trlkly that TheLeopard's answer was quite opinionated, but even though I'm not pro-Mexican-wall I voted to undelete it because:
It contains several relevant points that the other "let's weigh both sides" answers do not.
The more thorough answers for a politically polarized topic will tend to be more polarized themselves.
If one side is correct, (and the other is mistaken), it's impossible for there to be a correct answer that doesn't "promote one person's or one side's political ideas."
For questions that are polarizing, perhaps tolerating contrary polarized answers is a necessary prior step before it's even possible to construct a good synthesis. Waffling can be done without much thought, but weighing things takes time. In this sense, encouraging a too early crop of "balanced" answers is like harvesting produce before it's ripe.
Note: polarized answers that are rude or insulting are a different story -- those should be edited or deleted.