Sometimes we get very short low-quality answers which I think should be deleted. These answers are characterised by
a lack of references
a short, Twitter-like message
containing a popular opinion that people like to upvote
unwillingness from the author to improve, for example by adding references
Given the above, I think these message may be more suitable to Twitter than as answers on this site. In particular, they are unlikely to help those who found the question to look into a subject.
Furthermore, since these are often posted under popular questions, they are what potential new users (who are often familiar with the SE network already) see on this site when they visit for the first time. I think this problem may even have the effect that potential new users who have a more professional background relating to politics are deterred from contributing. After all, it may look like this is some place where people can further their partisan politics by using cheap rhetoric.
The obvious solution is to flag these answer as low-quality so that established users can vote to delete them. That sometimes fails as upvotes seem to count as a looks ok
votes in that queue.
I'm not going to point fingers in this post, but established users can visit the low-quality queue and see what answers survive despite many delete votes in that queue.
In this question, I'm asking whether this is something other users perceive as a problem as well. If so, then I'm open to suggestions on how to deal with this. Please keep it realistic, it's extremely unlikely that Stack Exchange will implement bespoke features on this small site.