Comments in my understanding should provide more details on the question, ask for more details, and overall build on the question.
My comment was just deleted and not understanding how it didnt fit.
The question was regarding President Trump calling covid-19 the "china virus". I posted a comment detailing his motives as he said they were as I felt it provided substance to the question. Yet it was deleted.
The question asked:
In any case, is the media backlash over Trump's nickname for COVID-19 justifiably warranted? Is there a problem in the way COVID-19 has been nicknamed?
I commented on what President Trump said his reasoning was firsthand. Yet answers that provide part oppinion* on his personality and reasoning are fine but a comment on his direct stated reasoning is not?
Part of answer that is more opinion based: *"No doubt Trump does this intentionally. Trump thrives on the panicked, angry ignorance of others; that emotional state he knows how to manipulate to his own profit. And while he himself may not be concerned with the secondary impact of increased violence against people of Asian descent, people of Asian descent have a good deal to worry about"
Can someone explain why so I know what I can correct or how my contribution was not providing helpful information? I understand a huge part of a q&a site is people's bias but is stating direct information from the person in question a violation? Or did my direct statement from him not align with the question somehow? I dont quite see how but perhaps someone can help me understand.