Recently I come across a photo of Russian president Vladimir Putin and formar United States president Barack Obama in meeting. In this photo Putin is captured taking sip of tea/coffee and Obama explaining him something. I started wondering about what is the message media wants to convey through this specific moment.
We come across thousands of such a photos everyday through newspapers and web articles.
I am quite aware that we can come to different conclusions about such specific photos. and also the selection of photos published is sole choice of publisher and different sides choose different photos from same event to suit their respective agenda and to highlight their leaders etc.
So I'd like to ask: are questions asking regrading explanation of what a particular photo or photo moment is trying to convey us loosely from perspective of political science/ analysts or in general is on topic here on politics SE ?
Note - I am specifically asking about photos of political figures in specific poses , moments, gestures and facial expressions and not of any other political photos in general.