A user recently posted this question asking about what steps President Biden has taken so far to address climate change: On what steps from ecology plan have Joe Biden's administration already made progress?.
There isn't anything wrong with the question per se, and we've had many other questions asking about a politician's accomplishments or their success at keeping their promises, but I wonder if it's too early in Biden's term for such a question to be useful.
It's definitely on-topic and objectively answerable at this point, but would we then have another identical question every few months? Sure, people could edit or post new answers as the years go on, but the Fastest Gun in the West Problem means that the first answers are always going to be on top. In a way, this seems like the same kind of issue as list/recommendation questions on Stack Overflow: where answers are possible, but will require constant updates or would quickly become out of date.
I definitely don't think these kinds of questions should be banned, or are off-topic, but I think it's worth discussing how early is too early for these questions and how to deal with the inevitable updates and changes as time goes on.