I think it would be interesting to start by finding hidden gem posts, then write some story around the posts we want to highlight.
'Hidden gems' is a bit of a vague term, so far I've tried an approach that looks at questions in small tags with well-received questions. I haven't really gotten to the questions yet, but I wrote a SEDE query that retrieves tags using the follow criteria:
- The tag has between 4 and 10 questions which never made it on the HNQ.
- The tags are sorted in descending order of the average non-HNQ question score within that tag.
The idea is that these tags are rather niche because they have only a handful of questions associated with them. Sorting the tags by average question score is supposed to prioritize tags with good questions. HNQ questions are excluded from the SEDE query because those scores might give a distorted view numbers-wise.
So the next step is to go through some of these tags and find interesting questions or answers. I haven't really gotten to that yet but I welcome everyone who feels like it to join in and suggest posts (feel free to edit them in) based on this methodology (if you're using a completely different approach then it's probably better to just post a new answer).
Possibly interesting posts in niche tags worth highlighting