As I keep saying again and again: No, Politics Stack Exchange is not a place to promote political views.
As the "What topics can I ask about here?" section of the help center says:
Politics Stack Exchange is for objective questions about governments, policies and political processes.
It is not a place to advance opinions or debate, but rather for exchanging objective information about the policies, processes, and personalities that comprise the political arena. If you can't back it up, it's subjective.
However, due to the nature of this website, it is often difficult to prevent political opinion from creeping into longer answers. It shouldn't happen, but it happens nevertheless. When you believe that an answer is clearly one-sided, downvote it, even if you actually agree with its political views. You can also be bold and make use of the privilege to propose or make edits to existing answers if you see way to make them more neutral without reducing their information content.
Regarding the example in this meta-question:
Trump's policies are all designed to benefit the Military Industrial Complex.
This statement is probably provably false, because it is pretty much impossible for every single one of Trump's policies to benefit the military industrial complex. So it's already unnecessary hyperbole that should at least be weakened to something like "Many of Trump's policies are designed to benefit the Military Industrial Complex".
But without further proof, this is still an unfound allegation that should at least be backed up by a couple examples.
And then there is another important aspect that is important to consider whether or not this statement is appropriate to make: context! Is it necessary to make this statement in the particular situation? If the topic of the question is about Trump's policies and how they affect the military industrial complex, then it is probably a sentence that might show up in a well-written answer - if and only if it is properly backed up by factual examples. If the question is about another subject and someone injects this statement because they want people to be aware, then it is probably not helpful and unnecessary injection of a political agenda.