Does Politics.SE have an issue/challenge/problem with too many comments on some questions?
I am an outsider to the Politics.SE community. As someone who mostly reads but doesn't post, I've noticed a pattern that seems semi-common to me, where comment threads are used extensively for purposes that, to me, seem beyond the purpose that Stack Exchange intended for comments. Particularly on "hot topics", I frequently see:
Comment threads that debate the merits of some policy. This seems most particularly off-topic when that's not what the question asked for (e.g., the question asked a factual question that is related to some policy, and that leads to debate-style comments about the policy or about the party that supports/opposes it.)
Debates about particular political parties, politicians, etc., or who is in the right and who is in the wrong. (e.g., tribalism)
Comments whose primary effect seems to be to state agreement or disagreement with the answer.
Comments that express opinions or make value statements about what policies ought to be enacted, or what is/isn't acceptable, etc.
Attempts to answer the question, or write a partial answer, but in the comments rather than in an answer.
Comments that ask a new question that is inspired by an answer.
Occasionally, responses to others that subtly imply there is something wrong with the person they're responding to (e.g., by assuming bad faith, being disrespectful towards them as a result of their statements).
Comments that want to add some additional context that the commenter considers important and wants surfaced, but doesn't want to write a full answer, even though it is unlikely the answerer is going to edit the answer to incorporate those additional remarks.
I have noticed this as particularly common on questions that hit "Hot Network Questions" or questions that receive a lot of views and address issues that are high controversial or partisan in the US.
I get it. It is really tempting to want to engage on these issues of such great importance to our society -- and to not want to let misleading or inaccurate statements stand without a response. I really understand the desire to want to see this platform advance truth, justice, and fairness in the world.
That is my experience. I am wondering how the community sees it and what the expectations or norms on this site are.
(I notice a lot of discussion on Meta about this topic, e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.)
(By the standards I'm familiar with on other SE sites, most of these comments would be considered excessive, but I know that each community has its own standards.)