I've now seen several references to the The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in the context of the Israeli/Hamas 2023 War to "buttress" claims of misdeeds by Hamas.
Now, far from me to defend Hamas. 10/7 attacks were terrorism, pure and simple, with hundreds of civilians slaughtered at close range, often under apparently atrocious conditions. These were not "collateral damage deaths".
But the Meir Amit center is clearly engaged in countering Hamas. While their information may or may not be correct (I was not particularly impressed reading the 2 cited articles), they certainly have a huge vested interest in stating news making Hamas look bad. News which may, with a very high degree of likelihood, very well be true: Hamas, again, is a terrorist organization.
However, I am sure we could also ensure a parade of citations from pro-Palestinians websites with all sorts of claims of bombed babies in Palestinian refugee camps. News which would also, with an equally high degree of likelihood, be true.
Personally, I would tend to discount both sources and look for more neutral ones when making references. And, at least, primarily refer to news sources. Not organizations with a particular goal. Or, for that matter, random Joes posting on Twitter.
Is this something that the community should generally expect, from answers and questions, that we try to use sources with a minimum threshold of neutrality? If so, should we be as diligent removing posts and comments on both sides of this unfortunate conflict (again, started by Hamas)?