Questions tagged [discussion]

Questions that may not necessarily have a clear-cut right or wrong answer and are often subjective. If your question isn't a bug report, feature request, or request for assistance, or question with a concrete answer, it's probably a discussion.

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Questions about behaviors of politic figures off topic?

Why are questions about the practices and behaviors of political figures or others involved in politics considered off topic? Body Language of Hand on the Back: A power statement?? Another example: ...
maplemale's user avatar
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Is it off-topic to ask about rationale behind political satire?

I want to know what does a joke about an existing politician from an SNL skit refer to. Is this community an appropriate place to ask? Another one I'm considering is Movies&TV.
Szymon's user avatar
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How to "salvage" question:

Well I asked a question a day ago: Why is has the US not "followed through" with secularisation after the hippie movement? As one can see in the question and answers I have to "defend"/ask ...
paul23's user avatar
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Should we avoid answering bad questions, or does the reversal badge mean doing so is approved?

Bad questions happen. Sometimes, people give valid answers to the question the saw inside of a bad question. The Help page for answering questions highlights that some questions shouldn't be answered:...
Drunk Cynic's user avatar
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Should URLs always be hidden?

Recently I've seen several Suggested Edits that basically take some URL provided in a post and hide it. For example: Go to Might be replaced with Go ...
Brythan's user avatar
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2 answers

Should a [term-limits] tag be created, or should that tag be made a synonym of [election-requirements]?

There are 29 questions that refer to "term limits" or "term limit"; some as a limitation on re-election. 20 questions "term limits" is:q 9 questions "term limit&...
Rick Smith's user avatar
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Is there any way I can adjust or otherwise "spruce up" my reference-request question, or should I just be patient?

update: After reading the first answer here I've made an attempt to update the question. It is now: Writings advising elected politicians on how to make hard choices In my meta question How to ask ...
uhoh's user avatar
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3 answers

Should I include the alternative or not in this question?

I've asked this question. First comment, upvoted: I think this question would be improved by removing the discussion of the Italian system, as it distracts from the main point of the question. I ...
Federico's user avatar
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Can we use post notices to suggest additional references?

Over on RPG.SE, we are using a post notice to indicate when citations would be appreciated on a question. For all the details, you can see the RPG.meta post here. The text of the notice is: Some ...
indigochild's user avatar
  • 23.9k
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How can I track the posts I downvoted, that have been edited afterwards?

This question, to some extent, is applicable to all SE sites, but I believe that Politics.SE may need addressing this more than the other sites of SE family, due to the very nature of the topics we ...
Be Brave Be Like Ukraine's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Should we allow link-only questions?

In Is there any validity to the Claim that Hillary Clinton got bribed by India?, the question is of this form: Link Headline claim. Questions saying essentially please go to this article and tell ...
Brythan's user avatar
  • 89.6k
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What should be the standard for country tag wikis?

We already have quite a lot of country-tags by now. Given enough time we will likely end up with tags for pretty much every country in the world. For that reason I think it would make sense to set a ...
Philipp's user avatar
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When the new economics beta begins, what questions will become out-of-scope for politics stack exchange?

The second attempt at an Economics stack exchange is well on its way to a beta release1, fingers crossed. Having read the Politics vs Economics meta post and the macroeconomics scoping statement; I ...
LateralFractal's user avatar
5 votes
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Can I repost content from a deleted answer?

I was going to answer a question when I noticed that a heavily downvoted answer already included part of my answer. So as to not duplicate the efforts and reposting the same information, I too ...
sfxedit's user avatar
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Theoretical Questions are Broad or Opinion-Based?

Related to: Why aren't authoritarian governments overthrown sooner? The linked question is attracting some close votes, primarily for being too broad, but also opinion-based. The question appears ...
indigochild's user avatar
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An example question asked to make a point?

We talked in other questions about "Questions that are asked to make a point, rather than to get an answer". In order to make that a concrete discussion, let's consider a specific question: What is ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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Most questions under maritime-law are probably mistagged?

maritime-law is about "laws governing private maritime disputes [...] Not to be confused with the Law of the Sea [...]". Yet most questions here tagged with maritime-law are about some ...
the gods from engineering's user avatar
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Are questions about ancient politics allowed? [duplicate]

The vast, vast majority of questions here are about contemporary politics, but the help center doesn't seem to include era as a criteria for topicality. Are questions on ancient politics allowed on ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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How could I have handled this answer better?

This answer was posted earlier: I left a comment for the poster, a new user here on SE, letting them know about the back-up up policy. I feel like ...
indigochild's user avatar
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How should we handle offensive images in questions, or obvious soapboxing?

Take for example this question. Is religious discrimination legal in the USA. Numerous attempts to remove the offensive image were made, with the attempt to remove the offensive material and ...
user1873's user avatar
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Adding and editing tags

This is a reminder about adding or editing tags. Don't use tags that are not about your question. Again, the point of tags here is to help sort your question into clear, specific categories. Don't ...
Rick Smith's user avatar
  • 35.5k
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Why is this post not rude or abusive (as evidenced by declined flag)?

I'm trying to make a sense of a declined "rude or abusive" flag. The flag was declined with a canned "declined - a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no evidence to support it" message without a ...
user4012's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Stack Exchange as a pre-elections debate platform

Just wondering about the idea, what if stack exchange platform would be used for candidates to answer citizens questions. Some changes would need to be made to the platform. Only eligible voters can ...
Gustek's user avatar
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4 answers

We should not deter people from answering based purely on their political persuasion

In an answer to the question "Why does the left side with the Palestinians?", one user wrote within their answer This question is more often than not answered by right wingers, which unfortunately ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
  • 13.5k
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6 answers

What is not constructive about the terrorism question?

This question is taking some heat from the community, as pointed out in the comments. A. ...
Affable Geek's user avatar
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Should accusations of being a *Russian sympathiser* be treated as *unfriendly or unkind*?

Should accusations of being a Russian sympathiser be treated as unfriendly or unkind? What is the current moderation policy in this respect? Here is an example taken from one of the threads that I was ...
FourLegsGoodTwoLegsBad's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Do we hate memes at Politics SE?

I added a meme in one my answers. The meme: Was not offensive Was relevant to the subject in discussion albeit on a humorous note Was polite Basically it was inline with Be-Nice Policy we follow on ...
NSNoob's user avatar
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LOTS of comments being deleted

I'm see a whole lot of comments being deleted in this SE site compared to most of the rest. I can only offer my opinion, but I find that a turn off. Politics is going to naturally be a chatty area of ...
user avatar
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5 answers

Where/how do we draw the line between legal and political questions?

Are questions about the functioning of the state political? They might be either political or legal. For example, would it be on-topic to ask: Is action X by president Y unconstitutional? or Do ...
gerrit's user avatar
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1 answer

Make [dnc] a synonym of [democratic-party]

I noticed the dnc tag this morning. The Democratic National Committee is simply the governing body of the democratic-party. It does not need a separate tag, as the DNC is simply who sets the ...
Machavity's user avatar
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3 answers

Should be try to get askers to include references in their questions?

I haven't been in Politics.SE for long, but I noticed that some questions ar quite short. As an example, one can see the following Why are some politicians saying the Iran Nuclear deal is bad? Why ...
clem steredenn's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Are questions about political influencers on topic?

For example, Scott Adams has had a daily podcast for many years now on topics which usually revolve around politics. He is best known as the author of the Dilbert comic strip. But he has been very ...
wrod's user avatar
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Should a [wealth] tag be created?

A comment on an answer to the question: Are both [inequality] and [income-inequality] tags necessary? suggests the need for a wealth tag. We need to create tag wealth in addition to the existing tag ...
Rick Smith's user avatar
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3 answers

Should [public-opinion] be made a synonym of [polling], or vice-versa (or neither)?

The tags public-opinion (56 questions; no tag wiki) and polling (183 questions; "A sampling or collection of opinions on a subject, taken from either a selected or a random group of persons")...
CDJB's user avatar
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How should I ask a question regarding a celebrity's political stance?

Title says most of it. The original question was put on hold and then deleted without comments on anything, which I consider to be pretty bad form. As celebrity endorsements are certainly part of the ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
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VTC old questions

If a question is close worthy, but hasn't been touched in years should I vote to close? It seems wrong to necro-moderate, but presumably it helps clean up the site.
user avatar
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4 answers

Is Cooperative Communication Dead?

I was appalled by the comments and close votes given to the question What is the seating capacity of the U. S. House of Representatives gallery?? (Not my question.) There is a concept called ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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Are there clear guidelines between politics and law on this site?

It appears there is some confusion over what constitutes law and what constitutes politics on this site. Or rather, that some people disagree on when a question which concerns political law should be ...
Peter David Carter's user avatar
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How should I phrase a question about Planned Parenthood, and its founder Margaret Sanger?

Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood. Her views on eugenics, race, and the poor have made her the target of attacks from Pro-Life supporters. What I want to know, is: Are the number ...
user1873's user avatar
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(Why) is it on topic to ask why crime has gone up or down in a certain area?

A recent q asks What has caused the steep increase in violent crime in Baltimore over the last decade? The argument for this being on topic is that Government actions and policies obviously can ...
the gods from engineering's user avatar
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3 answers

What makes "homophobic" or "homophobia" a misused, inciteful, derogatory slang term?

Background In Why is there a need to prevent a racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted vendor from discriminating who they sell to? I received an edit suggestion that I was a little confused on: I ...
isakbob's user avatar
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How conservative are the upvotes (and downvotes) for posts on Politics.SE?

How conservative do upvotes (and downvotes) for posts tend to swing on Politics.SE? Are the upvotes (and downvotes, hereafter implied instead of repeating these parentheticals) here generally ...
agc's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to make your own question which is similar to a subjectively worded question instead of making a hard edit to that question?

I saw this question and thought about how I could improve it into an on topic objective question. I ended up writing this question as a separate question. Was that an appropriate course of action? The ...
lazarusL's user avatar
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Do we have a policy on asking provocative (aka "charged", "loaded") Questions?

If you look at these edits you will see a pattern by the poster of using provocative language that is technically erroneous. Of significant interest is EDIT #3 where the poster deliberately chose to ...
O.M.Y.'s user avatar
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Are legal questions on-topic?

Possibly related: Where/how do we draw the line between legal and political questions? We already have quite a few questions that at least touch on law. One in particular - What is the legality of ...
user avatar
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3 answers

Attempted subversion of a question

There has been a recent attempt at subverting a highly active question question What is the pacifist position on Ukraine? (+36 and nearly 9000 views at the moment of writing.) Specifically: they ...
FourLegsGoodTwoLegsBad's user avatar
4 votes
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Are spelling correction edits discouraged?

As I understand it, on the Politics.SE site, there is a lower limit to the size of the edit that can be made to a question or answer. Such limits do not apply on all SE sites. I proposed an edit to ...
mikado's user avatar
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Should the [echr] tag be about the European Convention on Human Rights or the European Court of Human Rights?

After editing the wiki for echr (which I assumed to be about the European Convention on Human Rights) I noticed that both question so tagged are about the European Court of Human Rights. Both ...
Martin Schröder's user avatar
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How can we tell when a question about the views of a politician is 'opinion based'?

I recently posted the question Why did Theresa May propose a free vote on fox hunting in her manifesto? and it had a mixed response. On the plus side, there was a decent answer and upvotes. On the ...
user avatar
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3 answers

Question editing that invalidates answers

In this answer, mod Yannis says: invalidating existing good answers with a radical edit to the question is not... good. The accepted answer on that question, as edited by Yannis, says: If the ...
Burned's user avatar
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