[This question][1] was [removed][2] from the HNQ list with only a short notice "Needs detailed answers".

Why not "protect" it instead of entirely removing it from the HNQ? After being edited and reopened, it looks like a good question that received at least one great answer.

Removing a question from HNQ was discussed [here][3] and there seemed to be an agreement that it should be done only on an exceptional basis:

> **Very rarely, when absolutely necessary to prevent harm to the site or the community.**

  [1]: https://politics.stackexchange.com/questions/52338/is-there-an-explanation-for-why-20-of-americans-think-the-uss-response-to-cov
  [2]: https://politics.stackexchange.com/posts/52338/revisions
  [3]: https://politics.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/3869/when-should-we-remove-a-question-from-the-hot-network-question-list