9 votes

What are the rules about using Bounty Messages to evade comment locks?

The purpose of the bounty message is to explain the expectations from the bounty winner. It is not a substitute for comments. It is a lot more visible than regular comments, and cannot be flagged, ...
yannis's user avatar
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8 votes

Will a suspended user get my 100 point bounty?

My understanding is the "locked at 1 reputation" part of a suspension is just a visual thing, and reputation is still gained/lost like normal behind the scenes. From this post on the main ...
Giter's user avatar
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8 votes

Should we remove this potential abuse of bounties?

Is this specific instance an instance of bounty abuse? Probably speculative. Should the application of a bounty prevent a question garnering close votes? I see no reason whatever that that should be ...
Dan Scally's user avatar
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6 votes

Should we remove this potential abuse of bounties?

It's hard to say. The user has enough rep to know that's how bounties work (or they could have been informed by a like-minded person). The problem is there's no way to prove what their motives are. A ...
Machavity's user avatar
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2 votes

Should we remove this potential abuse of bounties?

"Abuse" is a pretty heavy word for what we see here. A high-rep user prevents a potential closing of their question by adding a bounty to it. That is status-by-design. An active bounty ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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