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10 votes

Declined flag on an egregiously sexist and passive aggressive answer?

For Code of Conduct (CoC) violations - which at least the sexist comment definitely is - the CoC mentions two options: Flag the harmful content. Contact us. With a link to the site-specific contact ...
tim's user avatar
  • 37.3k
6 votes

Discussions around senility in politicians

I don't think users are allowed to say that a presidential candidate is senile without very convincing evidence. I've deleted two answers on that question for making such allegations. I left the ...
JJJ's user avatar
  • 39.1k
6 votes

Why was this "unfriendly" flag declined?

I declined the flag because I don't think that the comment, which raised a perceived issue with an answer to explain a downvote - is unfriendly or unkind. I think the comment itself; 'Downvoted ...
CDJB's user avatar
  • 108k
6 votes

Why was this "unfriendly" flag declined?

Well, telling someone they misunderstand something may be veering into condescension when in fact they do not, or when it's a matter of opinion/interpretation of some ambiguous words. On the other ...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar
5 votes

Declined flag on an egregiously sexist and passive aggressive answer?

Monica Lewinsky did a dumb thing at the age of 22. For that, she became the most massively cyber-bullied person perhaps ever on earth. She did a very eye-opening TED Talk on the subject. As a ...
Jolenealaska's user avatar
4 votes

Why aren't disparaging remarks towards political outgroups treated as rude?

It might be easier to discuss this if you cite some excerpts of posts so they can be discussed for all to see. Nevertheless, as someone who declined some of those flags I can give you an answer ...
JJJ's user avatar
  • 39.1k
4 votes

Declined flag on an egregiously sexist and passive aggressive answer?

When I reviewed that flag I unfortunately overlooked the phrase certainly not the porky white house intern in the answer. This is of course a sexist statement which should not be allowed here. I ...
Philipp's user avatar
  • 78.2k
4 votes

Why was this flag declined?

It does provide an answer to the question even if you may consider a a poor answer. It points out that a hand count is slower than a computer recount and gives Trump more time to maneuver while it is ...
Joe W's user avatar
  • 18.1k
4 votes

Why was my comment flag declined?

I declined the flag because I didn't connect with your reasoning. When you flagged it, all I saw was the comment itself and the unfriendly or unkind flag (without your reasoning). Looking at it again ...
JJJ's user avatar
  • 39.1k
3 votes

Why was this flag declined?

I think in this situation you are better off to downvote if you disagree with the usefulness of the answer, rather than flagging it as not-an-answer. In turn, people who disagree with you can upvote. ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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3 votes

Why was this NAA flag declined?

To be fair, the question was relatively low quality in itself (-2 score as of now): Is there a general consensus that Britain should continue to be a permanent member of the UN security council ? ...
Make StackExchange GREAT 4ever's user avatar

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