I think we can go very localised. It may be interesting to read this discussion on Meta Travel SE. Too localised means:
This question is unlikely to ever help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet.
In analogy to the answer I linked above, I would say:
- Political process in Belmopan in general → on-topic, it might help future visitors. As long as we're small, it's unlikely; however, it's possible.
- Motivation for the decision of the city council of Belmopan to temporarily move a bicycle shed by two blocks in 1988 → too localised, extremely unlikely to ever help anybody
- Candidates for the post of secretary for a fringe opposition party in the village council of Placencia, Belize in 2002→ off-topic for the same reason
As long as this site is small, small questions may be unlikely to help many future visitors. But a site like Stack Overflow has some tags relating to rather obscure programming languages, Movies&TV has tags relating to some rather obscure movies, and Travel permits questions on rather local travel destinations. Localised is relative, and in my opinion, if there is any reasonable hope for a question to be useful to future visitors, we ought to allow it.