Despite your latest edits, your question is still very hard to read.
One of the reasons why your post is hard to read is because your sentence structure is too complex.
The first sentence of your question is a good example.
Politicians, such as in the way below chosen for its timeliness and more importantly because of the supposed "white male problem" of the Democratic party which is not meant to say one side is better or worse than the other since both provide a continual stream of this sort, often insult individuals or groups, who support or oppose the insulters' interests, publicly and privately.
I've bolded 3 words in your sentence. Those words are the subject, verb, and object of the sentence.
There are 49 words between your subject and your verb. By the time I got to "insult individuals", I had already forgotten who or what was insulting individuals, and had to look back to find that it was Politicians.
int hat 49 word gap:
- You reference your example of an insult long before the reader actually reads the words "insult".
- You Justify your example as an example of the "white male problem" well before "white male problem" has any meaning to the reader
- You make a disclaimer about how you intend no bias
And you do all that before the reader can be expected to know what your sentence is actually about.
In my opinion, your sentence structure is too complex and therefore takes an unreasonable amount of effort to parse.
You should read your question out loud and think about whether or not it sounds clear to you, and then edit it, until you are satisfied with it's clarity.