There seems to be some disagreement about whether "What are the advantages and disadvantages of X?" questions are on-topic for this site, with, on the one hand, a number of questions being close-voted apparently for having a title that uses this formula, and on the other hand, the question
Asking about advantages and disadvantages isn't a list question
having the highest score on meta.
I can understand that the advantages/disadvantages formula could be seen as inviting argument for or against X, rather than inviting a description of what those arguments are, although I don't think that's usually the intention, and answers so far have IMO been fairly successful in avoiding doing so, especially considering the subtlety of the distinction.
While I'm not a big fan of boilerplate in general, perhaps it would be clearer to rephrase such questions along the lines of "What are the main arguments in favour of and against X", as in this question, whose title was recently edited in this fashion in order to avoid being accused of being a "list question".
UPDATE: I've now posted a poll on this issue.