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9 votes
5 answers

How biased can sources be, before they aren't considered useful references here?

I've now seen several references to the The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in the context of the Israeli/Hamas 2023 War to "buttress" claims of misdeeds by Hamas. ...
Italian Philosopher's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Should questions based on assumptions require references?

Here is a similar question, but it is about answers: Should answers without references be removed by the mods? I ask this for questions. Often, questions make assumptions and expect everyone to agree ...
whoisit's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Should answers without references be removed by the mods?

As an example, user @BobaFit recently posted an answer to In the US, what do federal politicians commenting on education policy propose the federal government should do? which I find quite compelling, ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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-8 votes
1 answer

Should SOME speculative questions be allowed in some very narrow set of circumstances?

This Russo Ukrainian war seems to defy all the rules, doesn't it? Now that it's been established that we don't even know who is in charge of the war, could it be a good time to make an exception to ...
wrod's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Why has my post on Maximal Wage Policies been accused of plaigarism when I've explicitly acknowledged Wikipedia as a source

My post on sectoral bargaining and maximal wage policies has been accused by the moderator JJJ of plagiarism when I've explicitly acknowledged within the post the source - Wikipedia. This isn't the ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is it OK to use other SE sites answers as context for asking questions on Politics.SE?

I think that a good question should provide some context that led the OP to ask that question. Thus I am trying to provide links to the sources that inspired me to ask a question. One of my questions ...
Alexei's user avatar
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0 answers

What online reference atlases/maps would be useful to point out geographical features?

(Not exactly sure how well this plays with the intent for references and general-reference tags on Meta here, but it seems like a worthwhile question. Or at least one that's been bugging me for a ...
Italian Philosopher's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Why is a factual statement about Trump, backed by wikipedia articles, labeled "personal opinion" by a mod?

In this answer which was deleted I made the argument that Trump often lies and promotes conspiracy theories, which is why people who stay with him don't value veracity and science and therefore are ...
Peter - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Clarifying topicality of a question about state media contents

After a question was closed I had a feeling I was not good in explaining its relevance to this Q&A site, but I might be wrong. So my actual question was why open source/open tech activities ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to flag answers that misrepresent sources they cite?

There have been a couple of instances that I know of (1), (2) in which answers were deleted at least in part for misrepresenting or at the very least seriously stretching the sources they purported to ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Problem on our hands

The most popular answer to this question is The answer is not supported at all, has zero analysis, and is mostly supposition ("I don't think it has ever been contemplated, and therefore is unlikely" ...
user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

How to handle 'arguments from authority'

According to Wikipedia an argument from authority or argumentum ab auctoritate is a fallacy "in which a claimed authority's support is used as evidence for an argument's conclusion". I just read a ...
JJJ's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Does stackexchange have any standard for sources?

I've read numerous SE questions that are based on information provided by unreliable sources. Examples: There have been SE questions about immigration based on data provided by the anti-...
John's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Why do we need references?

Back in 2012, it was established that answers on Politics.SE need to be backed up with references. I am all for that, but I cannot properly explain why that is the case. I regularly ask users to back ...
JJJ's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Is it appropriate to flag unreferenced answers making extraordinary claims?

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan (Wikiquote, which is generally reliable in evaluating whether a quote was really made, and a link to a page that has a video clip of ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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8 votes
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What are good citations for answers?

So, I've been using Politics for about two weeks now, and I've contributed some answers. To avoid making them subjective, I've tried to add references that back up what I'm saying. I know that ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
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Standards of Evidence?

What are the standards of evidence for an answer here? I know this isn't Skeptics, but I've seen several answers justified using intuitive "logic", without any citations. Should that be considered ...
Publius's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Requiring reference for absence of data?

@Chad and I got into an argument/ discussion about the requirement of references in What law compels countries to take prisoners who are NOT trying to surrender? He wanted a reference to an answer by ...
Jeremy Holovacs's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why was this answer deleted?

I answered this question In the U.S., are people with more education more likely to vote liberal?, and my answer contained multiple citations. The answer was deleted for lack of citations, which doesn'...
Amy Blankenship's user avatar
3 votes
7 answers

I think the "just the facts" dramatically hurts this site

First off, I am a heavy user of Stack Overflow and find it's focus on questions with clear answers good (although at times I wish it allowed "what is the best..." questions). But for a site on ...
David Thielen's user avatar
37 votes
8 answers

Should we have a "back it up" rule for answers?

I've asked my first question on Politics today, and I'm not very happy with the first couple of answers that I received. Don't get me wrong, both answers are helpful, I appreciate the answerers' time &...
yannis's user avatar
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